On Monday evening found out that Tyler has RSV and a really bad ear infection in his right ear. He and I had been sick for almost a week but this last Sunday I could tell that he was getting worse. He wouldn't let me lay him down and he was very fussy. I thought he might have an ear infection. Later that night McKay started to struggle. He seemed to be in some severe pain. We did all we could do to help him but he just got more irritable. John bathed him, we messaged him, we gave him pain meds. and we held him. around 9:00 john gave him a blessing. When 10:00 came around and He was still fevering and struggling really bad we thought we better just get him to Primary's. See what they can do to help. If anything we thought they could give him some stronger medicine to calm him down. So we loaded him up. got the bags all ready and kissed him good bye. I stayed home with the kids while John took him. This was going to be a long night. But I knew it would be longer for John. I at least could lay down in the comfort of my own bed. John called me throughout the whole night as he would ask me questions or give me up dates on the tests. Every test they did was normal. There was no explanation to why his little body was wigging out. They gave him Addivan and Morphine.... that calmed him down, to the point that he was able to go to sleep. and around 5:30 they came home. McKay slept all day Tuesday, Tuesday night and is still very out of it today. This is good. So only time will tell. Sometimes his little body will act up like this when a bad cold is coming. So it will be interesting to see what develops in the next few days.
I do have to mention though..... That it's amazing to me how the Lord knows what's going on in our everyday lives. He is so aware. We've all been taught that it's usually through other people that our prayers are answered. The instrument in the Lord's hands. I am a true believer of this. On Monday night Kelli Packer was that instrument. She is my Visiting Teaching partner. She felt the need to bring us dinner for some odd reason Monday night. Well, Thanks Kelly, It's exactly what we needed that night. On the 14, McKay had his 2nd grand maul seizure. John was not home from work yet. but before I knew it 3 priesthood holders were standing next to me and McKay. How grateful I am. Heavenly Father is so aware of us. I know he is. The signs are everywhere!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Happy Valentines day!
I love valentines day! It's such a simple little holiday. It's fun to watch the kids get their valentines all ready and get so excited over it. When I woke up and came downstairs I was suprised with a bouquet of red roses in a vase sitting on the table , a card and York pepermint patties! When Matthew saw my face he said "You better call dad right now and tell him you love it! " So...I did just that! 

5 month old Tyler
*We love it when he laughs. Matthew and Hannah know just what to do to get him to laugh.
*a blanket up to his face helps him go to sleep.
*He wakes up at 5 in the morning to eat and then goes back to sleep till 8. So I can't complain!
*He is a binky baby
*He can roll front to back and the other day rolled from his stomach to his back for the first time!
*has the most kissable chubby cheeks!
It's hard to say good-bye
oh so cute!! Tyler loves his big brother!

the inside of. filled it with popcorn and treats and gave them a
scrapbook of pictures.
When we got home from the funeral we got ready to have the Holyoaks Moving party. Rand and Andrea are great friends. They are such a great family. Always so willing to help everyone. Everyone is going to miss them so much. It was an open house so throughout the evening all the friends in the ward could stop by to say good-bye.
On January 27, 2008 President Gordon B. Hinckley passed away. We woke the kids up early Fri. morning to attend the viewing. It was a very special experience for all of us. We will never forget this weekend. The obove pictures were taken on Saturday, the day of his funeral. Beautiful but cold day. John was given 2 tickets but found an extra one so Matthew could go with us.
Joel S. for Christmas got us tickets to the
Jazz Vs. Spurs game. GO JAZZ!
the game
January fun!

My SIL Kara looking cute pregnant!
John's cousin Chel and her Kids who live in Arizona were able to come too! It was so fun!!!

Sunday dinner and celebrating Tommy's Birthday!

G-pa Clint & G-ma Gayle with Tyler
Little TYLER Boy!

G-pa Emerson & G-ma Bernie
Happy Birthday G-ma!

Hangin' out with Emalee and Libby
Hot tubbin in the winter at Pat and Mary's house
my sis Tara and bro Riley- oh can't you tell we just love
posing for pictures!!!
G-pa Clint & G-ma Gayle with Tyler
G-pa Emerson & G-ma Bernie
Happy Birthday G-ma!
Hangin' out with Emalee and Libby
posing for pictures!!!
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