Tuesday, April 1, 2008

4 going on 16!

Neighborhood girls
Rylee Webster Ali Hinrichs and Hannah
Watch out... these girls are crazy drivers!!
All three of them have a vehicle of their own but today they were driving Rylee's. Hannah got a Barbie jeep for her birthday- which she loves. My friend DeLonne found it at the DI for 35$ Sweet find huh!


Anonymous said...
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Susan and Vince Stroud said...

How cute are they!!!! Before we know it they will be old enough to drive real cars. Guess we better enjoy every moment!

Chellie said...

Okay.... now that is ADORABLE!! Holy cuteness! What a fun group of little blondes. They look like they are having a blast!

Shae said...

I found your blog through Jeff and Lea's, and I actually thought that it might be someone else's when I clicked on it...but as I looked through it, you kind of looked familiar, but I still couldn't figure out why....but then I saw a picture with you and Jamie! She's in my ward...and now I remember that I have passed you in church several times! Small world...I take it that you (or your hubby) is from BL? (I grew up in Soda). I hope you don't mind me posting on your blog! :)

Heidi Kjar said...

3 little blondies in the jeep! How cute is that? That's awesome your neighbor found such a great deal on yours!

Roger That said...

So dang cute! I love this picture...and I so jealous that it looks so warm. 18 today

kelli said...

How are you, lady! from that church? Just kidding. I told Trent that story, and he thought it was pretty funny! Your little girl is so cute! That is awesome that you found one of those cars for 35 bucks! I am sure I will talk to you soon!

Larson Family said...

Cute Girls! This looks fun. I am excited for warm weather so we can spend more time outside and all see more of each other.

Clanturner said...

What out mommas. Those girls are going to be trouble in another 12 years. I think I missed the make a wish thing. what did you wish for? Did I hear a new van? I am so excited for you guys.

Ruuddudes said...

Those girl's have a LOT of mischief in their eyes! You guys are in trouble in a few years when they get their licenses!

MiandMiksmom said...

That is adorable! At least Hannah has a car...my girls have to share with all the neighbors. That looks so fun!

Tauna said...

Christy.... we actually go tomorrow to make our wish. Oh we wish we could wish for a van but they won't do any transportation. So we were out of luck there. I do remember reading on the web site that they rebuilt this kids really old truck for him, but that was about it for vehicles. We still are not 100% sure, but we're thinking of going on a really fun family trip together...aaahhhh! I hate decisions!!

Nan said...

So Cute! Hannah is beautiful. The twins just love her. Adam was holding her hand last night. I think it caused a little contention w/ Benny! Impressed all three in one car. This is one reason I don't want to get a new battery- who gets to drive?

Harris said...

SO CUTE!! I remember that was all I wanted for Christmas every year when I was little...and you found yours for 35! That is a great deal! Hannah is ADORABLE!

M said...

They are the cutest little blondes. I always wanted one of those Jeeps when I was little. Yours was a steal!

Tim and Melissa said...

What darling girls! I can only imagine them at 16...look out!

Tim and Melissa said...
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Shelly Traveller said...

I found your cute blog on Kylene's. What a sweet little family you have. I hope you don't mind if I check in on your little family.

Shelly Traveller

The Roe Family said...

too cute. you guys are gonna have your handsfull when she does turn 16 and starts drivin.

Ruuddudes said...

Still watching to see what you chose for your make-a-wish! I'm GIDDY with anticipation! (I felt nerdy even typing that last sentence. GIDDY?!?!)