I think this article by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf is so inspiring in this months Ensign
I want to share a little part with you
"One of the things I loved most about flying was departing from a dark and rainy airport, climbing through thick and threatening winter clouds, and then suddenly breaking through the dark mist and steeply gaining altitude into the bright sunshine and endless blue sky.
I often Marveled at how this physical act parallels our personal lives. How often do we find ourselves surrounded by threatening clouds and stormy weather, wondering if the darkness will ever pass? If there were only a way for us to lift ourselves up from the turmoil of life and break through to a place of peace and calm.
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints know that such a thing is possible; there is a way to rise above the turbulence of everyday life. The knowledge, understanding, and guidance we receive from the word of God and from prophetic guidance in our day show us how to do exactly that."
Then he talks about the "Lift"
"In order to get an airplane off the ground, you must create lift. In aerodynamics, lift happens when air passes over the wings of an airplane in such a way that the pressure underneath the wing is greater than the pressure above the wing. When the upward lift exceeds the downward pull of gravity, the plane rises from the ground and achieves flight.
In a similar way, we can create lift in our spiritual life. When the force that is pushing us heavenward is greater than the temptations and distress that drag us downward, we can ascend and soar into the realm of the Spirit.
He then talked about how Prayer was one of the gospel principles that help us achieve this lift.
for some reason this article touched me so much. Maybe it's because I have a strong testimony of prayer and I know it works. I have had to use it so much in my life, and can't imagine living without this wonderful gift of communicating with my father in Heaven. Even this week I have turned to prayer time and time again. On Wednesday McKay started getting sick again. His fever went up, he started to turn pale, started vocalizing and swinging his arms and legs around. You could tell he was not feeling good at all. I had a prayer in my heart the whole morning. I often stopped to say a little prayer. Then John gave him a priesthood blessing. I wanted everything to be better right then and there.... but it didn't go away immediately. He struggled in my arms for a while and then John noticed something. He was calming down. John took him from me and held him. I just kept praying that we wouldn't have to take him to the hospital again. then in John's arms he fell asleep. FINALLY! He was comfortable. It was the greatest feeling. He slept the rest of the day, and has been fine ever since. I know it was because of the priesthood and all the praying that I(we) did. I know he hears and answers.
"Prayer helps us transcend the stormy times. It reveals to us another vista-a glorious spiritual horizon filled with hope and the assurance of the bright blessings the Lord has promised to those who love and follow Him."